Sunday, April 6, 2014

Saturn In Scorpio

Saturn in Scorpio is the current transiting Saturn. With this placement man must find ways to be self-expressive. It is important to be able to connect to other people with this influence. This influence is very interesting because there is another planetary aspect occurring. Pluto is currently in Capricorn. This means 2 planets are in mutual receipt. This aspect is in the sextile position. This means that with some effort a positive situation can occur. 

This Saturn placement implies limitations regarding sexuality, death, rebirth, and other people's money. The 8th house is a misunderstood house in astrology. It is considered one of the mystery houses. It deals with things of a hidden and secretive nature. The placement of Scorpio in your chart will indicate which areas of life you can expect some limitations in. There are various ways to understand this aspect in astrology. It is important to look at your astrological chart to see how it applies to you. 

Some of you will be born with Saturn in Scorpio. This would also be true of people born with Saturn in the 8th house. You may have trouble expressing your feelings. This may hinder your personal relationships. These influences will bring to light the issues you face.

This book will give you further information on Saturn in astrology:

Saturn: A New Look at an Old Devil

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Mars In 1st House

Right now Mars is in Libra for 7 months. At this time it is located in the 1st house in my astrological chart. This is a time to get a lot of work done. It is a time to further my own livelihood. It is a time to try to advance in life. 

When Mars is in the first house a person will need to be assertive. They will want to show the world what they are capable of. This is a great time to win people over. There are many people who will be impressed at the work accomplished under such an astrological influence. 

This will be a time when relationships may suffer. The individual's personal needs will come first. This may cause conflict in relationships. The individual will feel the need to be assertive. This might cause problem in certain aspects of life. Overall, it is a good thing. Sometimes we need to assert ourselves. Some relationships need to be destroyed if we need our own interests taken care of. People aren't always looking out for us. This influence will make us aware of that. We will have the strength, courage, and personal power to change our life in ways that serve us. 

This influence might signal the end of many relationships. That is okay because these relationships were not working in the first place. It is important at this time to take care of yourself and move forward with great vigor. You may feel physically strong. An exercise program may work well at this time.

Here is a book on Mars in astrology: The Mars Book